
lava cover editThe Lava Never Sleeps: A Honolulu Memoir

My memoir is an exploration into place, culture, and memory, the layers of physical and emotional bodies that define who we are. Many landscapes shape how a woman becomes who she is.

My Chinese American family appears to exemplify the model minority. Despite the achievement of academic success and solid middle-class values, the hoarding of words (the withholding of physical and verbal affection) takes a toll. Such quiet crimes ripple out into the future, just as my experiences of childhood sexual trauma and emotional abuse have life-changing, longitudinal effects. Those actions that seem innocuous to adults can and do harm a child.

The power of story creates a refuge. Writing gives me the authority to tell my secrets to remove shame and to acknowledge our collective humanity. This is my journey to sort out cultural and personal identity and to make sense of family secrets, including childhood traumas. In the process, Hawaiian history, geology, and mythology become crucial touchstones for me. They remind me I am a child of the land, and this book is an island daughter’s expression of love for Hawai‘i.

March 2019 – Available at bookstores and on Amazon, print and e-books. Published by Willow Books.

2 thoughts on “Book

  1. Dear Loreen,
    I am touched by hearing your journey through life and would love to read your book when it is published. I have had my own traumas and it is good always, to know I am not alone. How brave and generous of you to share your nightmares and revelations in print. I too am looking more deeply into the rich heritage of the Hawaiian culture. It is so much more valuable than I realized when I was younger.

    I wish you all the best in finding a publisher.


    Kathy McClellan Pickard

    • Hi, Kathy,
      Thank you for your message. Life has certainly not been what we thought it would be when we were young! But we have definitely survived and hopefully gained wisdom. I feel very fortunate to have lived in the beauty of Hawaii and experienced its mana.

      I just want to let you know the book is now published and available at bookstores and on Amazon. Please keep in touch!

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